Monday, April 30, 2012

One Down...Two to Go!

Chris and I celebrated a milestone this past week, we paid off one of our student loans. We have slowly knocked off debt after debt to get us to this point. We have followed the snowball principle and only paid minumum payments to all of our debts except the smallest one on the list. We attack the smallest loan and then roll on to the next one. Because we have lined-up our debts in order of amount, naturally these last two are going to take awhile to finish off, they are our largest amounts. We will be even more happy to pay them off since they have been along for the ride these last few years.

With all of the talk about student loan forgiveness going on right now, it makes me want to take care of my own mess even more, I don't want tax payers to pay for my loans. Chris and I signed paperwork declaring that we understood that the money we use for college we will pay back. It's hard to hear all of the college grads who think because college was expensive they shouldn't have to pay for it. I agree, college is expensive, but I chose to go and now I pay for that choice. I also learned along the way that I hate debt and because I learned that lesson the hard way, I don't plan on getting any more student loans to finish my masters degree. 

Total debt pay-off: $27,847.52
YTD debt pay-off: $3,847.52

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